Do you spend easily on your children but struggle to spend money on things for you, even if you NEED them?
Do your children’s wants come before your needs?
For years I was completely in the mind-set that I will always have enough for everything for my daughter and I did but along with that I myself lived a life of struggle.
My daughter needed runners and I’d get her beautiful new runners. I needed runners (at the time I walked everywhere) and went to the charity shop to get some…they didn’t fit right and my feet used to ache in the evenings.
So why could I spend money on my daughter and not on me?
I started really working through my mind-set and uncovering my limiting beliefs.
I believed you had to SACRIFICE for your kids. You had to put them FIRST to be a good mother.
Well now I am so grateful to know that those limiting beliefs are NOT TRUE. I believe in compromising on things for my daughter but it’s a two-way street and she does the same for me.
I do not believe I need to sacrifice my needs for hers and I do not feel I have to put her first. If I don’t take care of myself I am not my best self. I am not the best mother I can be. I have gone from agonizing over spending money on myself to now enjoying spending money on myself. Investing in my personal growth, professional development and self-care allows me to be more for my daughter.
The next round of the 8 week Conscious Creators Course begins July 5th, early bird ends midnight June 24th! Check out: